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get DeGAUSS metadata on all images in the core library





arguments passed to core_lib_images()


data.frame of DeGAUSS metatdata


get_degauss_core_lib_env(geocoder = FALSE)
#>  downloading latest information about images in core library...
#> downloading latest information about images in core library... ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
#>  find more at <>
#> downloading latest information about images in core library... ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
#> # A tibble: 10 × 4
#>    degauss_name       degauss_version degauss_description       degauss_argument
#>    <chr>              <chr>           <chr>                     <chr>           
#>  1 census_block_group 0.6.0           census block group and t… census year [de…
#>  2 dep_index          0.2.1           census tract-level depri… NA              
#>  3 greenspace         0.3.0           enhanced vegetation index NA              
#>  4 roads              0.2.2           proximity and length of … buffer radius i…
#>  5 aadt               0.2.2           average annual daily tra… buffer radius i…
#>  6 nlcd               0.2.3           land cover (imperviousne… buffer radius i…
#>  7 drivetime          1.3.0           distance and drive time … care_site [defa…
#>  8 st_census_tract    0.2.1           census tract identifiers… NA              
#>  9 pm                 0.2.0           daily PM2.5               NA              
#> 10 narr               0.4.0           daily weather data (temp… NARR variables …