This step-by-step guide covers how to add daily spatiotemporal PM25, NO2, and O3 estimates from models created by Joel Schwartz and used within CREW. We assume that the user starts with geocoded data, but DeGAUSS can also be used to geocode address data if needed.
Please note that each of these DeGAUSS commands will use the most recent version of each container, but older versions can be specified for each. For detailed documentation on DeGAUSS, including general usage and installation, please see
If you have used DeGAUSS, would you mind providing us some feedback and completing a short survey?
: latitude to estimate pollutants atlon
: longitude to estimate pollutants atstart_date
: starting date for daily sequence used for estimatesend_date
: ending date for daily sequence used for estimatesindex_date
: include days_from_index_date
in output to create “relative dates”my_address_file_geocoded.csv
:id | lat | lon | start_date | end_date | index_date |
A | 39.1967 | -84.5826 | 2000-10-20 | 2000-10-23 | 2000-02-14 |
B | 33.9729 | -118.2328 | 2008-11-14 | 2008-11-16 | 2008-04-11 |
C | 35.8718 | -78.6385 | 2004-01-30 | 2004-02-02 | 2003-05-02 |
docker run --rm -v $PWD:/tmp degauss/schwartz_grid_lookup my_address_file_geocoded.csv
:id | lat | lon | start_date | end_date | index_date | site_index | sitecode |
A | 39.1967 | -84.5826 | 2000-10-20 | 2000-10-23 | 2000-02-14 | 9607238 | 211050640897 |
B | 33.9729 | -118.2328 | 2008-11-14 | 2008-11-16 | 2008-04-11 | 324003 | 208050280324 |
C | 35.8718 | -78.6385 | 2004-01-30 | 2004-02-02 | 2003-05-02 | 9784599 | 211050904096 |
docker run --rm -v $PWD:/tmp degauss/schwartz my_address_file_geocoded_schwartz_site_index.csv
id | lat | lon | start_date | end_date | index_date | site_index | sitecode | date | gh6 | gh3 | year | gh3_combined | PM25 | NO2 | O3 | days_from_index_date |
A | 39.1967 | -84.5826 | 2000-10-20 | 2000-10-23 | 2000-02-14 | 9607238 | 211050640897 | 2000-10-20 | dngz52 | dng | 2000 | dng | 22.6 | 64.1 | 48.5 | 249 |
A | 39.1967 | -84.5826 | 2000-10-20 | 2000-10-23 | 2000-02-14 | 9607238 | 211050640897 | 2000-10-21 | dngz52 | dng | 2000 | dng | 37.2 | 48.4 | 49.5 | 250 |
A | 39.1967 | -84.5826 | 2000-10-20 | 2000-10-23 | 2000-02-14 | 9607238 | 211050640897 | 2000-10-22 | dngz52 | dng | 2000 | dng | 28.4 | 52.9 | 60.2 | 251 |
A | 39.1967 | -84.5826 | 2000-10-20 | 2000-10-23 | 2000-02-14 | 9607238 | 211050640897 | 2000-10-23 | dngz52 | dng | 2000 | dng | 42.3 | 56.6 | 43.1 | 252 |
C | 35.8718 | -78.6385 | 2004-01-30 | 2004-02-02 | 2003-05-02 | 9784599 | 211050904096 | 2004-01-30 | dq2h4d | dq2 | 2004 | dq2 | 7.1 | 27.6 | 27.8 | 273 |
C | 35.8718 | -78.6385 | 2004-01-30 | 2004-02-02 | 2003-05-02 | 9784599 | 211050904096 | 2004-01-31 | dq2h4d | dq2 | 2004 | dq2 | 6.8 | 32.8 | 30.7 | 274 |
C | 35.8718 | -78.6385 | 2004-01-30 | 2004-02-02 | 2003-05-02 | 9784599 | 211050904096 | 2004-02-01 | dq2h4d | dq2 | 2004 | dq2 | 13.7 | 32.1 | 31.3 | 275 |
C | 35.8718 | -78.6385 | 2004-01-30 | 2004-02-02 | 2003-05-02 | 9784599 | 211050904096 | 2004-02-02 | dq2h4d | dq2 | 2004 | dq2 | 11.8 | 37 | 33.5 | 276 |
B | 33.9729 | -118.2328 | 2008-11-14 | 2008-11-16 | 2008-04-11 | 324003 | 208050280324 | 2008-11-14 | 9q5cm2 | 9q5 | 2008 | 9q5 | 24.2 | 81.7 | 28 | 217 |
B | 33.9729 | -118.2328 | 2008-11-14 | 2008-11-16 | 2008-04-11 | 324003 | 208050280324 | 2008-11-15 | 9q5cm2 | 9q5 | 2008 | 9q5 | 36.9 | 66.8 | 33 | 218 |
B | 33.9729 | -118.2328 | 2008-11-14 | 2008-11-16 | 2008-04-11 | 324003 | 208050280324 | 2008-11-16 | 9q5cm2 | 9q5 | 2008 | 9q5 | 85.4 | 59.5 | 36.2 | 219 |
id | PM25 | NO2 | O3 | days_from_index_date |
A | 22.6 | 64.1 | 48.5 | 249 |
A | 37.2 | 48.4 | 49.5 | 250 |
A | 28.4 | 52.9 | 60.2 | 251 |
A | 42.3 | 56.6 | 43.1 | 252 |
C | 7.1 | 27.6 | 27.8 | 273 |
C | 6.8 | 32.8 | 30.7 | 274 |
C | 13.7 | 32.1 | 31.3 | 275 |
C | 11.8 | 37 | 33.5 | 276 |
B | 24.2 | 81.7 | 28 | 217 |
B | 36.9 | 66.8 | 33 | 218 |
B | 85.4 | 59.5 | 36.2 | 219 |
to be used to anonymize dates; for example, a date of birthdays_from_index_date
(defined asdate
- index_date
) to the outputstart_date
and end_date
(and index_date
) are not in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD
) or standard ‘slash’ format (MM/DD/YY
), the container will return an error.sitecode
s end in all zeros, the container will return a warning, suggesting the user checks that sitecodes have not been unintentionally altered.sitecode
, which uniquely identifies a grid celldegauss/schwartz_exposure_assessment
does not come with all of the spatiotemporal exposure estimates (which are around 200 GB in a compressed zip file). Instead, the container determines which geographic regions and calendar years are necessary based on the input dataset. However, since the container requesting chunks of the exposure estimate data is downloading them over the internet, we need to make sure to not include any protected health information. The HIPAA Safe Harbor Guidelines and the Revised Common Rule specify that spatial location information is not considered PHI if the geographic identifier contains at least 20,000 people. For example, this is why “de-identified” datasets will only contain 3-digit zipcodes instead of 5-digit zipcodes. Similarly, we can conveniently use the geohash we are already using for lookup to “coarsen” our geographic precision by truncating it from a resolution of 6 to a resolution of 3. The container transmits the calendar year and resolution 3 h2 geohash to an Amazon Web Services Simple Storage Service (AWS S3) to retrieve estimates as needed. This prevents the download of unnecessary spatial and/or temporal “slices” of data that will never be necessary for every individual user, decreasing the time and resources needed by the end user to run the software while never sharing any protected health information.