
DeGAUSS (Decentralized Geomarker Assessment for Multi-Site Studies) is a decentralized method for geocoding and deriving community and individual level environmental characteristics while maintaining the privacy of protected health information. It is a standalone and versatile software application based on containerization. This means that geomarker assessment is reproducible, standardized, and can be computed on at scale. Importantly, DeGAUSS is executable on a local machine – it does not require extensive computational resources and PHI is never exposed to a third party or the internet, making it ideal for geomarker assessment in a multi-site study.

Brokamp C, Wolfe C, Lingren T, Harley J, Ryan P. Decentralized and Reproducible Geocoding and Characterization of Community and Environmental Exposures for Multi-Site Studies. Journal of American Medical Informatics Association. 25(3). 309-314. 2018.


Get started using DeGAUSS with the Using DeGAUSS guide. Shown below is a run of a sample workflow using DeGAUSS to geocode and add measurements of nearby roadways and greenness to a set of example addresses. To get started finding the right DeGAUSS image for your project, try using our menu.