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create data for use in DeGAUSS menu


create_degauss_menu_data(core_lib_env = get_degauss_core_lib_env())



a data.frame of info about the DeGAUSS core image library created with get_degauss_core_lib_env()


data.frame of information about core images with arguments separated into names and default values as well as an added example DeGAUSS command


#>  downloading latest information about images in core library...
#>  find more at <>
#> downloading latest information about images in core library... ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
#> # A tibble: 11 × 7
#>    name          version description argument argument_default url   degauss_cmd
#>    <chr>         <chr>   <chr>       <chr>    <chr>            <glu> <chr>      
#>  1 geocoder      3.3.0   geocodes    valid_g… 0.5              http… docker run…
#>  2 census_block… 0.6.0   census blo… census … 2010             http… docker run…
#>  3 dep_index     0.2.1   census tra… NA       NA               http… docker run…
#>  4 greenspace    0.3.0   enhanced v… NA       NA               http… docker run…
#>  5 roads         0.2.2   proximity … buffer … 400              http… docker run…
#>  6 aadt          0.2.2   average an… buffer … 400              http… docker run…
#>  7 nlcd          0.2.3   land cover… buffer … 400              http… docker run…
#>  8 drivetime     1.3.0   distance a… care_si… none             http… docker run…
#>  9 st_census_tr… 0.2.1   census tra… NA       NA               http… docker run…
#> 10 pm            0.2.0   daily PM2.5 NA       NA               http… docker run…
#> 11 narr          0.4.0   daily weat… NARR va… weather          http… docker run…