The role of the environment in health has been known for decades, but the data and tools needed to characterize the relationship at a population level have only recently become available.
Geocoding: Converting a string of text into latitude and longitude coordinates
Geomarker: Similar to biomarkers in precision health and defined as any objective, contextual, or geographic measure that influences or predicts the incidence of outcome or disease
Figure 1: Geomarker Examples
Figure 2: DeGAUSS Workflow
image | description |
degauss/geocoder |
batch geocoding |
degauss/cchmc_batch_geocoder |
geocoding, census tract, deprivation index |
degauss/census_block_group |
census block group FIPS |
degauss/roads |
proximity and length of major roads |
degauss/greenspace |
enhanced vegetation index |
degauss/geocoder_slim |
API returning geocoded text string as JSON |
degauss/PEPR_drivetime |
distance and drive time to clinical care sites |
degauss/schwartz_grid_lookup |
schwartz grid for spatiotemporal pollutant models |
degauss/schwartz |
daily PM2.5, NO2, and O3 concentrations |
The setup shown below utilizes Docker and R
to build DeGAUSS software that is self-contained and does not require passing PHI to the internet, but a similar workflow can be employed using other programming languages and containerization software.
Figure 3: DeGAUSS Development
script: code that performs geospatial taskDockerfile
: instructions to set up the container including installation of operating system, system dependencies, required geospatial datasets, R, and required R packagesrenv
lockfile: documents sources and versions of R packages required to run the R code
DeGAUSS is a secure, decentralized, and reproducible approach to solving geospatial privacy issues in multi-site studies, but it also excels as a vehicle for making spatiotemporal exposure assessment prediction models findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR).
Cole Brokamp, Chris Wolfe, Todd Lingren, John Harley, Patrick Ryan. Decentralized and Reproducible Geocoding and Characterization of Community and Environmental Exposures for Multi-Site Studies. Journal of American Medical Informatics Association. 25(3). 309-314. 2018. Download.
Cole Brokamp. DeGAUSS: Decentralized Geomarker Assessment for Multi-Site Studies. Journal of Open Source Software. 2018. Download.